Our Purpose

NZACPE is a professional Association committed to advancing experienced-based theological education for people of diverse cultures, ethnic groups and faith traditions. Its ultimate goal is to equip people to provide quality pastoral/spiritual care within community.

NZACPE courses:

  • integrate pastoral/spiritual work and theology/spirituality with relevant medical, psychological and behavioural sciences
  • engage participants in reflection about what happens before their eyes
  • develop better pastoral/spiritual relationships by bringing together participants’ personal experience, spirituality and theology
  • offer professional education for ministry, designed to establish and improve ministry practice


NZACPE has as its purpose:

  • the fostering of trust and acceptance among its members
  • the continuing development of the CPE model within the ministry of the Church
  • the fostering of supervisory collegiality within Aotearoa-New Zealand
  • the provision of a forum for continuing consultation among its members
  • the establishment and maintenance of common Standards for the certification of supervisors/educators/consultants in Aotearoa-New Zealand
  • the establishment and maintenance of common Standards for centres offering CPE in Aotearoa-New Zealand
  • the provision of opportunities for professional development of supervisors/educators/consultants


Membership of NZACPE:

  • is open to all CPE supervisors/educators/consultants in Aotearoa-New Zealand currently recognised as in good standing by the Association and upon payment of the appropriate annual subscription fee
  • associate membership is open to individuals and groups provided their aim and objectives are compatible with those of the Association and upon payment of the appropriate annual subscription fee

NZACPE Executive Team

Download the list of names and contact details of the current NZACPE Executive Team 2024 by right-clicking and selecting Save Link As, or left-click to view.

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics aims to protect both CPE participants and CPE supervisors/educators/consultants. It stresses the values of integrity, competence, responsibility and confidentiality.

1. The Nature of Supervision:

CPE supervision is training/education of a deeply personal nature, distinct from therapy and managerial supervision. Its goal is to help course participants evaluate and improve their pastoral skills and to develop their theological and spiritual understanding of what they offer in ministry. Bound into this endeavour is the need to maintain ethical standards.

Supervisors/educators/consultants have convinced the NZACPE of their level of self-awareness, integrity and professional competence or, in the case of supervisors/educators/consultants-in-training, of adequate supervisory oversight (see below for ongoing training and supervision.)

2. Responsibility towards Students:

Supervisors/educators/consultants recognise the value and dignity of all course participants, regardless of race, status, sex, age, belief or personal preference.

Supervisors/educators/consultants ensure that satisfaction of their own needs is not dependent on the course participants (e.g. they will not exploit this relationship for personal, financial, professional or sexual gain.)

Supervisors/educators/consultants remember that course participants, being in a process of education and change, are vulnerable.

Supervisors/educators/consultants give adequate time and attention to the preparation of their CPE course programme, to each course participant’s progress within the process and to the supervisor’s reports at its end.

Supervisors/educators/consultants take care in the Screening Interview to assess the potential course participant’s ability to cope with stress and during the course monitor this factor, including its effect on the potential course participant’s partner, family and community.

Supervisors/educators/consultants have a responsibility to address the needs of the course participants as they prepare to return home post-course.

Supervisors/educators/consultants will be in a supervisory relationship of their own, to take care of their own levels of stress, to recognise the limits of their own competence and so know when to refer course participants to others.

Supervisors/educators/consultants will keep up with professional literature and pursue on-going training or, where possible, peer group involvement.

Supervisors/educators/consultants will respect each course participant’s rights to privacy. They will not reveal confidential material about a course participant unless that person gives explicit permission. They will ensure that an agreement on confidentiality is reached at the start of each course.

3. Fees:

The method of payment of fees may be negotiated.

4. Complaints Procedures:

(a) A person believing they have cause for complaint shall approach any member of the NZACPE Executive who shall encourage the parties, with appropriate support, to resolve the dispute or difference by agreement between themselves.

(b) If the dispute or difference is not resolved by agreement between the parties, then the member of the NZACPE Executive first approached shall direct it to the Executive who shall appoint an uninvolved CPE Supervisor to meet with the parties concerned where the dispute or difference may be resolved.

(c) Should there be no satisfactory resolution, the complainant shall put the complaint in writing to the Secretary of the NZACPE for referral to a specifically constituted Complaints Committee, comprising of two CPE Supervisors/educators/consultants (one from outside the Centre involved) and an independent member appointed by the NZACPE Executive and agreed to by the complainant and the respondent. If they do not agree then the NZACPE Chairperson will appoint the independent member.

(d) Both parties will be encouraged to be accompanied by a support person when appearing before the Complaints Committee.

(e) If the complaint is upheld, the Complaints Committee will have the right to take disciplinary action as appropriate, including consultation with Church Courts.

(f) The Complaints Committee will hear all complaints within one month (of the written complaint being received by the Secretary); both parties will be advised of the outcome immediately a decision is made. A written statement of the resolution will be attached to the complaint and lodged with the secretary of the NZACPE.

(g) Should the complainant or the respondent be dissatisfied, they may lodge a complaint with The Human Rights Commission.

Current Supervisors/Educators

BROWN Peter (The Rev’d)
Provisional Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

Clinical Pastoral Supervisor (Level 1)

FINIKI Amy (The Rev’d)
Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

GARCHOW Leona (Sister)
Clinical Pastoral Supervisor
(Level 1)

HUIE-JOLLY Mary (The Rev’d)
Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

MACLEAN Kath (The Rev’d Canon)
Clinical Pastoral Education-Consultant
(Level 3)

McALPINE John (The Rev’d)
Clinical Pastoral Education-Consultant
(Level 3)

RICHES Val (The Ven)
Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

ROUD Helen (The Rev’d)
Clinical Pastoral Educator (Level 2)

SHIN Michelle (The Rev’d)
Provisional Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

SIMS Ros (The Rev’d)
Clinical Pastoral Educator
(Level 2)

Retired Supervisors/Educators

We honour the following CPE Supervisors, now retired, who have contributed richly to CPE in New Zealand:

The Rev’d Roy Alexander
The Rev’d Ian Bayliss
The Rev’d Shirley Bennett
The Rev’d Nora Calvert
The Rev’d Jean Cotter

The Rev’d Winton Davies
The Rev’d Don Fergus
Ms Jo Noble
The Rev’d Max Shennan
The Rev’d Noel Tiano

Deceased Supervisors/Educators

We honour the following CPE Supervisors, now deceased, who have contributed richly to CPE in New Zealand:

Buchanan Dermot (The Rev’d)
8 January 1930 – 28 April 2022

Bloomfield Raymond (The Rev’d)
1 May 1951 – 6 April 2021

Brophy Theresa rscj (Sister)
23 Feb 1928 – 2 Jul 2013

Brown Noel (The Rev’d)
5 March 1940 – 14 March 2022

Creagh Terry (The Rev’d)
27 Nov 1933 – 2 Sept 2022

Dallaway Joan (The Rev’d)
1 Aug 1936 – 9 Jan 2017

Davy Kenneth (The Rev’d)
1936 – 12 May 2023

Glassey Boyd (The Rev’d)
29 Nov 1927 – 1 Jun 2008

Goss Diana (Ms)
29 Oct 1925 – 20 Oct 2002

Harrison Jenny (The Rev’d)
21 Apr 1950 – 2 Jun 2010

Morreau Paul (The Rev’d)
15 Dec 1921 – 2 Apr 2004

Pollard Marie rsm (Sister)
28 Jun 1932 – 19 May 2007

Prince Don (The Rev’d)
22 Aug 1940 – 31 Mar 2014 

Shaw Donald (The Rev’d)
1 Oct 1914 – 11 Oct 1997

Sherrard Evan (The Rev’d)
28 Oct 1934 – 21 Oct 2015